Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some one please, please give me some tap shoes.

I think it really would solve my problems.


  1. my best friend Alice (you may not remember) is currently taking tap dancing classes.

    Aw my dear, are you coping okay over there? Send me your e-mail and we can keep in touch. Everyone can read everything on blog comments.

    No I've printed my things before, actually today I made my own cotton tunic and printed four birds down the middle. I'll take a photo soon, it turned out quite nice. Such a grandmother, but it's mind-soothing.

  2. I cant tap dance, but I do have a pair as I love the sound they make

  3. exactly! the sound is so amazing. I love that you don't have to be a child to still be excited that your feet can make sound :)
