Saturday, October 3, 2009

unforseen circumstances.

I stumble through my days and nights it seems at the moment.
I am a "stumbler".
As i moved interpretively to the music this evening, i felt totally out of control of my antics.
It was nice to feel such a thing for a little while; to have no responsibility of one self for a few minutes. I stared intently at the particular person who has had my attention for a while, only wishing that i had theirs.

I now lay amongst blankets and pillows; being so fatigue that the sheets and pillows beneath me feel amazing and cold. Like one would imagine clouds would feel. This is how i like to end my evening; until i forget about it in daylight.

This is all i have to my life at the moment,
lost moments.
It ain't so bad; there's laughs along the way.


  1. at least when you laugh you forget about those lost moments, for a few seconds anyway, but that's enough

  2. It is. Sometimes after laughing though, i am reminded of things that i wish to forget. Which isn't so good.
