Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bittersweet symphony

I am in such a beautifully fucked situation right now.
I am constantly crushed by the hardship that is my feelings towards someone, that is intertwined with so many problems that surround us. But, i am not willing to give any of this up.
Why should I?
I watch how hard everything is to them, and it kills me. It's hard to step out of the natural selfish nature of us human beings and let things run their cause. I will be here for it all regardless.
I'm trying to tell myself that something so good can only be so bad.
"No light without dark" Is what my friend tells me.
It must be true, if i knew that there wasn't a light at the end of this tunnel, i wouldn't be here.
This is too good to throw away.
But fuck it's so hard.
This horrible, horrible and vicious cycle.


  1. Is it?
    I'm finding myself every day getting to the point of throwing in the towel. Then trying to convince myself to stop being so selfish and just be there for the person.
    It just seems more and more fucked rather than beautiful.
