Monday, April 19, 2010

The 19th of Feb. 11:18 pm

"You are the rare treat, found only inside the rare box you find under the stairs that your grandmother left years ago when she was young... full of all her special things... like old photos, her favourite special rings, the locket you remember seeing around her neck in photos your mum has of her, that box... your inside one of those. and that's Awesome.
If i think that after a combined 20mins of conversation spread out over months... then think what everyone else must think."

This hit me hard. I believe that some things are said to a person that they will never forget.
This is one of them.

Thank you so much, really.


  1. It really is. And it came from someone i hardly know and would never expect to say something like this.
    It's really amazing when you experience moments like these.
