Thursday, July 30, 2009

All my loving.

I have yet another hangover. Red wine can do that too you quite easily. Although i am becoming concerned about my desire for gin and tonics ever day at the moment...Not something someone my age should be craving no?

Last night was really nice for me. The lovely girl next door, Jess invited Grah and I over for dinner. The food was delicious. Broccoli, anchovies, kalimata olives and chili pasta. Yum! and then chocolate fondue. And like i was saying before, lots of red wine. But it was lovely to be around people who i can have riveting conversations with. Rather than sitting around waiting for people i know to sober up from being stoned. Not entertaining nor stimulating what so ever.

All the loveliness of last night has made me think i would really like to have my own little dinner party before i go back to Perth for that short while. It's so much more of a rewarding and exciting feeling when you're cooking for people you love. So that is exactly what I'm going to do, invite my close friends over and cook them a feast, with sweet lounge cocktail party music in the background. That meaning that Dean Martin will be played at least once, at least!

So today i thought i should just potter at home, clean up the monstrosity that is my bedroom and catch up on some readddinngg. Although, i really really want to see a movie, so I'm trying to find someone who will come along to the pictures with me to see Public Enemies. Fingers crossed.

Oh and i need to go buy some flowers, and drop off my film. So i better plough!



  1. nothing much beats a fantastic dinner party with great company and lots of wine :)

  2. I hope I'm one of those close friends.

  3. That's for sure Boris :)

    And you would be Chuck if you were but you aren't, which just means i'll have to have another one especially for you when i come back!

  4. yeah, I read it wrong, I thought it said, well you know.

    But yeah, doooo it!

  5. You can blame me for the Gin and tonic habbit sista.

    "better plough" pretty in pink. oh yeah.
