Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Instead of getting a decent amount of sleep.

I began to read a short story called "The Lost Decade"
It was so unbelievably beautiful. And by that, it got me very inspired. So i started to paint. I'm not furious at my lack of skills yet which is surprising but this is what i have done so far:
Keeping in mind it is very incomplete.

There is still a lot more to do, if i ever can be bothered doing it is another story.
Although now it is 3:12 am, so i should try to sleep.


  1. I'll buy it off you when it's done, if it's for sale.

  2. I reckon half the battle is choosing something worthwhile to try and depict, and being inspired enough to want to do it.

    That is to say, I love it! The people look all ghostly and quivering.

    Who was the writer? Fitzgerald?

  3. You know me too well!

    Yes, Fitzgerald.

  4. I'd like to read that short story collection sometime. I went to this little book exchange place near my house, and I didn't even have any money, we were just there for groceries, and there was mainly pulp fiction type fluff, but there was this whole shelf I didn't see until the end that had all the good books on it. Most were in really good condition too. Brand new almost. You get a certain amount of money on return too, so that's cool. But I mean, I really have to keep myself away from book browsing.


  5. Haha, sounds good. No the more books the merrier!
    My "regular" now is one that's in a basement in the city. There is something about hearing people walking above you as you browse in silence very calming. :)
