Friday, August 14, 2009

Sing went the strings of my heart.

My day today, was beautiful.
I lounged around until late then got dressed when i felt like it. I went outside to discover what a lovely day it was. The sun was so nice and warm, but it wasn't hot. Eventually, i ambled down to the tram stop and got off at Middle Park. It's a suburb fairly close to my house, that pretty much only consists of Victorian terrace houses. It's beautiful. There is a cafe in the old train station office along the track which i decided to check out. Ordering my usual, the man came out and told me that he was "Pretty sure they didn't make soy lattes in 1945" i could only reply with a nervous laugh. There i sat for a few hours trying to finish my book of short stories. It was about 4 by then, so i walked around the streets taking in every amazing building that i laid my eyes on. Then made my way down to the waterside of St Kilda.

I don't usually like the beach, but the sun was just so welcoming; With the slight breath of the sea breeze to keep it from being an uncomfortable warm. Before i knew it, it was half past five; The sun was down and i still hadn't eaten nor finished my book.
But i really don't care, Friday has been a good day.

It's just always a shame when night officially falls and yet again, the feeling of loneliness overcomes me like a bad cold.


  1. Oh yeah, well today I put on a load of washing, and went to work, and some baker lady gave us like ten banana and carrot cakes.
    Beat that sister.

    I didn't know soy lattes were your usual. I don't think I've ever had coffee with soy milk before.

    I love it when it's not hot, but the sunlight is really warm and golden. Makes everything feel like it's made of cloth. Like you could just roll around on the street and not care. As I type this the rain is whipping against my window. I like rain too though. Rain is nice too.

  2. Rain is great. And i couldn't have said it any better. You really do feel like everything is made of warm, white cloth. I felt like a cat that would lay on the bricks basking in the sun.
